Funky Late Lunch

Like every Christmas, we face the question: What do we do during this time? Our favorite restaurants are closed, and cooking at home with the family is too much hassle. Hence, a different idea is needed – and it’s as simple as it is brilliant: We open irori and cook all the things we’d like to enjoy ourselves – and this way can share with all of you.

That’s why it’s called “Funky” by the way, as we expand our regular ingredient list abroad and serve you, over the afternoon, six courses that make our mouths water just by thinking about them…

So bring hunger, thirst, and a good mood…

No bookings available

Information about the Event:


irori Restaurant
Weinstraße 507, 67434 Neustadt


December 25th, 26th, 29th, and 30th, 2023


2:00 PM


150 € per person for the menu